Slack’s Dark Mode is one of the most popular features on the platform, and for good reason. It makes working in Slack more comfortable by reducing the amount of light that comes into your eyes. To enable Dark Mode on your Slack account, follow these steps:
- Open the Settings app on your phone or computer and go to General > Accessibility > Dark Mode.
- Toggle Dark Mode on and off as you see fit. Once you’re done, click Save Changes at the bottom of the screen. Now that you’ve enabled Dark Mode, it’s time to adjust some of your settings to make sure it works best for you: If you work in a bright environment, turn off Brightness at the top of Settings so that Slack’s colors are more readable in low light conditions. If you work in a dark environment, turn Brightness up so that everything is easier to see. If you’re using a laptop or desktop computer at home, set your Screen Timeout to 30 minutes so that Slack doesn’t keep refreshing every time someone types something new into a chat window. You can also adjust this setting if you’re using a phone or tablet at home by turning Screen Timeout off altogether if you don’t need it to timeout automatically after 30 minutes has passed since last use (this will also disable auto-refresh). If you have trouble seeing white text on a black background in Dark Mode, try adjusting your Text Size setting below Settings > General > Accessibility > Text Size . You can also increase font size if needed by clicking View > Show All Fonts in Messages . ..
Months after rolling out to Android, iPhone, and iPad, Slack has brought dark mode to its desktop and web apps on Windows, macOS, and Linux. The theme is a mix of black and gray with white text, making it easy to read throughout the workday.
At the time of writing, Slack states that you must manually enable dark mode. In a future update, the service should be able to automatically switch between light and dark mode based on your operating system’s settings.
Note: Dark mode is going to remain device-specific. This means that if you enable dark mode on your smartphone, dark mode on your desktop won’t automatically turn on, or vice versa.
To get started, open the Slack desktop app or visit your workspace on the web. Next, click on your workspace’s name found at the top of the left sidebar.
Select “Preferences” located in the top part of the pop-up menu.
On the next screen, click on “Themes” and then select “Dark.” Doing so will invert most of the colors, making the light and white colors black, and the dark and black colors white.
Note: For reasons unknown, some users are reporting that the “Themes” option is hidden within the “Sidebar” menu on their desktop and web apps. If you aren’t immediately seeing the “Themes” menu option, check for it within “Sidebar.”
With dark mode now enabled, you can further customize Slack’s sidebar theme. The built-in color options should be available directly under the dark mode section.
Dark mode won’t necessarily prolong your battery life if you’re working from a laptop, but it looks better than a bunch of bright white pixels if you ask us.
RELATED: Dark Mode Isn’t Better For You, But We Love It Anyway