If you’re like most people, you probably use cookies to keep track of your preferences and activities on your iPhone or iPad. But if you’re using a website that uses cookies, you might not be aware of the ways in which that site can clear cookies and cache them for future visits. To clear cookies on an iPhone or iPad, open Safari and type “clearcookies” into the address bar. Once Safari has completed clearing all cookies, it will return to the previous page with a message saying that there are no more cookies to clear. To clear all cookies on an iPad, open Settings and select “History & Cookies.” There should be a box labeled “Clear All Cookies” checked.

Clearing the cache on your iPhone or iPad is really easy, but that will log you out of every single website that you were previously logged into, and wipe any other cookie-based preferences. So what if you want to just wipe cookies or cache for a single site?

Luckily that’s also pretty easy… though not quite as simple since you’ll have to dig through a list of all the sites you’ve ever visited or that have put cookies on your device.

You might be asking yourself why you’d bother doing this, and the answer is simple: if a particular site is misbehaving you can wipe the cache and cookies just for that site, login again, and sometimes the problem will be resolved.

Clear Cookies / Cache for a Specific Website

First you’ll want to open up the Settings app, and then find Safari on the left-hand side, and then scroll down until you see the Advanced on the right-hand side. If you’re using an iPhone it won’t display like this, but you’ll be able to easily figure it out.

Now press the Website Data button.

And now push the Edit text button on the upper right-hand corner.

Now you’ll see a list of the sites that have put cookies on your device. You’ll probably need to expand to show all of the sites, and then browse down through the list. Once you’ve found the one you want to wipe, just hit the red minus icon and then press Delete, just like you would in most iOS apps.

There isn’t a whole lot more to it.